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{{SmartCalculatorField.CutlossPrice | numberPriceFormat}}
{{SmartCalculatorField.TargetPrice | numberPriceFormat}}
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{{RiskRewardData.RiskRewardRatio | number:2}}
{{RiskRewardData.Risk | number : 2}}%
{{RiskRewardData.Reward | number:2}}%
Open | Prev. Close | Volume | Div Yield | P/E Ratio | Net Foreign | Market Cap |
{{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.LatestStockHistory.Open | numberPriceFormat}} | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.LatestStockHistory.Close | numberPriceFormat}} | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.LatestStockHistory.Value | numberkiloFormatWithCurrency:ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockInfo.Currency}} {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.LatestStockHistory.Volume | numberkiloFormat}} {{VolumeCurrency}} | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockFundamentalAnalysisInfo.CashDivYieldTTM}}% | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockFundamentalAnalysisInfo.PriceEarningsRatio | number:2}} | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.LatestStockHistory.NetForeign | numberkiloFormatWithCurrency:ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockInfo.Currency}} | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.LatestStockHistory.MarketCap}} |
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Business Address | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockOtherDetails.BusinessAddress}} |
Email Address | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockOtherDetails.EmailAddress}} |
Website | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockOtherDetails.Website}} |
Telephone Number | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockOtherDetails.TelephoneNumber}} |
Fax Number | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockOtherDetails.FaxNumber}} |
{{::entity.CreatedDate | dateNoTimezone:'mediumDate'}} | {{::entity.ExDate | dateNoTimezone:'mediumDate'}} | {{::entity.PaymentDate | dateNoTimezone:'mediumDate'}} | {{::entity.DividendTypeString}} | {{::(entity.DividendType != 1 ? 'N/A' : (entity.IsCashDivSpecial ? 'Special' : 'Regular'))}} | {{::entity.DividendValueString}} | {{::entity.OtherInfo}} | {{::entity.CashDivYield}}% | - |
| | | | |||||
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No dividend records found |
TIME FRAME | VOLUME | % CHANGE | -{{ViewStockPage.VolumeTrackerMax}} | -{{ViewStockPage.VolumeTrackerMax/2}} | 0 | {{ViewStockPage.VolumeTrackerMax/2}} | {{ViewStockPage.VolumeTrackerMax}} |
{{entity.TimeFrame}} | {{entity.Volume| numberCompletePriceFormat: 2}} | | | |
Indicator | Value | Gauge | Status |
RSI (14) | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockTechnicalAnalysisInfo.Rsi14 | number:4}} | | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockTechnicalAnalysisInfo.RsiTrendString}} |
ADX | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockTechnicalAnalysisInfo.Adx14 | number:4}} | | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockTechnicalAnalysisInfo.Adx14TrendString}} |
MACD | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockTechnicalAnalysisInfo.MacdLine | number:4}} | | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockTechnicalAnalysisInfo.MacdMomentumTrendString}} |
Candlestick (1 day) | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockTechnicalAnalysisInfo.SingleCandleStickPattern | enumCandleStickPattern}} | | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockTechnicalAnalysisInfo.SingleCandleStickPatternTrend | enumStockMarketTrend | lowercase}} |
Candlestick (2 days) | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockTechnicalAnalysisInfo.DoubleCandleStickPattern | enumCandleStickPattern}} | | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockTechnicalAnalysisInfo.DoubleCandleStickPatternTrend | enumStockMarketTrend | lowercase}} |
Candlestick (3 days) | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockTechnicalAnalysisInfo.TripleCandleStickPattern | enumCandleStickPattern}} | | {{ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockTechnicalAnalysisInfo.TripleCandleStickPatternTrend | enumStockMarketTrend | lowercase}} |
{{entity.NumberOfOrders | numberkiloFormat}} | {{entity.Volume | numberkiloFormat}} | {{entity.Price | numberPriceFormat}} |
{{entity.Price | numberPriceFormat}} | {{entity.Volume | numberkiloFormat}} | {{entity.NumberOfOrders | numberkiloFormat}} |
{{entity.Date | dateNoTimezone:'h:mma'}} | {{entity.Price}} | {{entity.Shares | numberkiloFormat:true}} | {{entity.Buyer | stringDisplayLimitTo:6}} | {{entity.Seller| stringDisplayLimitTo:6}} |
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{{entity.BrokerCode}} | {{entity.NetValue | numberkiloFormatWithCurrency:ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockInfo.Currency}} | {{entity.NetVolume | numberkiloFormat}} | {{entity.NetAvgPrice | numberkiloFormat}} |
{{entity.BrokerCode}} | {{entity.NetValue | numberkiloFormatWithCurrency:ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockInfo.Currency}} | {{entity.NetVolume | numberkiloFormat}} | {{entity.NetAvgPrice | numberkiloFormat}} |
Date | Last Price | Change | % Change | Volume | Shares | Net Foreign | Low | High | Open | Trades |
{{entity.Date | dateNoTimezone:'mediumDate'}} | {{entity.Last | numberPriceFormat}} | {{entity.Change | numberPriceFormat:entity.Last}} | {{entity.ChangePercentage | numberPercentStringFormat}} | {{entity.Volume | numberkiloFormatWithCurrency:ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockInfo.Currency}} | {{entity.Shares | numberkiloFormat}} | {{entity.NetForeign | numberkiloFormatWithCurrency:ViewStockPage.Data.Stock.StockInfo.Currency}} | {{entity.Low | numberPriceFormat}} | {{entity.High | numberPriceFormat}} | {{entity.Open | numberPriceFormat}} | {{entity.Trades | numberkiloFormat}} |
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{{::post.UrlDetail.Description | limitTo: 400}}
{{::post.UrlDetail.Title | limitTo: 100}}
{{::post.UrlDetail.Description | limitTo: 400}}
{{ ::post.ForecastDetails.Stock.StockInfo.StockName }}
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HIT {{post.ForecastDetails.VoteCount.HitCountPercent > 0 || post.ForecastDetails.VoteCount.MissCountPercent > 0 ? post.ForecastDetails.VoteCount.HitCountPercent : 50}}%
{{post.ForecastDetails.VoteCount.HitCountPercent > 0 || post.ForecastDetails.VoteCount.MissCountPercent > 0 ? post.ForecastDetails.VoteCount.MissCountPercent : 50}}% MISS
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{{selectedPost.SourcePostDetails.UrlDetail.Description | limitTo: 400}}
{{selectedPost.UrlDetail.Title | limitTo: 100}}
{{selectedPost.UrlDetail.Description | limitTo: 400}}
{{selectedPost.UrlDetail.Title | limitTo: 100}}
{{selectedPost.UrlDetail.Description | limitTo: 400}}
{{ selectedPost.ForecastDetails.Stock.StockInfo.StockName }}
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{{selectedPost.ForecastDetails.Stock.StockHistory.Last }}
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{{selectedPost.ForecastDetails.EndPrice }}
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HIT {{selectedPost.ForecastDetails.VoteCount.HitCountPercent > 0 || selectedPost.ForecastDetails.VoteCount.MissCountPercent > 0 ? selectedPost.ForecastDetails.VoteCount.HitCountPercent : 50}}%
{{selectedPost.ForecastDetails.VoteCount.HitCountPercent > 0 || selectedPost.ForecastDetails.VoteCount.MissCountPercent > 0 ? selectedPost.ForecastDetails.VoteCount.MissCountPercent : 50}}% MISS
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