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Investagrams Featured Trader of the Week: Jet Toyco

This week’s featured trader is no one other than one of the most active members of the community, Jet Toyco! If you guys have been with us since 2018, you would’ve remembered that Jet was one of our speakers during Uprising: The Trading Revolution 2018 event where he generously shared his entire trading journey with us. Since then, Jet has been continuously posting high-value content on both our social platform on Investagrams and the Investagrams Trading Community FB group.

If you’ve been following Jet for some time now on Investagrams (if you haven’t, you’re missing out) you would know that he posts content on a daily basis. Whether it’s about trading principles he learned from other great traders like Rayner Teo, practical advice he learned throughout his journey, and much more. Jet also does a weekly Q&A session open to everyone in the community where he answers questions in video format and posts it on our Facebook group: Investagrams Trading Community.

He is also very generous to share high value content he’s found on other platforms as well. Here he shares a very RARE video of one of Mark Douglas’, the father of trading psychology and author of Trading in the Zone, seminars a few years back. If you want to watch the videos, we highly suggest checking the post on Jet’s wall on Investagrams!

Jet also doesn’t only post about topics related to trading or investing in the financial markets. He is also a practitioner of proper handling of personal finances. In this post, he shares some practical advice so we can all achieve financial freedom. He reminds us to track our expenses/income, simply our lifestyle, have a budget plan, eliminate consumer debt, and the like. He reminds us to not start a business, or trading for that matter, to achieve financial literacy. But to start doing business or trading once we are financially literate.

We are all grateful for people in the community who take the initiative to share their learnings, insights, and experiences about the market and life to other trades. A community is only as strong as its members, without people like Jet, our community would not be complete.

The Investagrams Team would like to congratulate Jet Toyco for being our featured trader of the week by being a team player towards the community. You will receive FREE 1-month access to InvestaPRO!

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