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Investagrams Trading League 2018

Greetings fellow Investors and Traders!

They say the best way to learn something is through experience!
Today we present to you another GREAT OPPORTUNITY to hone your trading skills, while getting the chance to compete and win AWESOME PRIZES.

Welcome to the second year of Investagrams Trading League!

The Investagrams Trading League is a mini-stock competition that runs for 3-weeks.
The winners of this competition will receive cash prizes!

How to WIN the Investagrams Trading League?

The goal of this trading game is simple. Find opportunities and trade your best to gain the most profit and have the highest total account
value at the end of two trading weeks!


The top three (3) players with the highest account value at the end of the trading round will be heralded as the winners.

Each winner will receive a corresponding cash prize from:
1st Place: Php 3,000
2nd Place: Php 2,000
3rd Place: Php 1,000


For this competition, trading will begin on August 20 and ends on September 14, 2018

1. Trading is done through the Investagrams Virtual Trading Platform.

2. All ports will be reset for the competition.

3. Participants will start with Php 100,000 virtual money to trade. Learn how to use the virtual trading platform here:

4. You can only trade liquid and actively trading stocks, we have filtered out which stocks fit this criteria. We have taken out illiquid names that have wide spreads and can be easily abused such as OV, AR, OPM, etc. The whole stock list may be accessed once you are accepted in the competition. See List of Stocks Below.

5. You can only allocate a maximum of 33% of your portfolio on any single stock at a time. No ALL-ins!

6. There is a 10-minute trading lock after any transaction. This means you need to wait for 10-minutes before you are able to sell your position. This will prevent any scalping abusers in the competition.

7. At any point during the competition, Investagrams has the rights to modify certain rules and mechanics if they see it fit. These adjustments are done to nullify any abuses or loopholes on the trading game. Let’s keep it fair and fun for everyone. We want the winners to be truly deserving.

8. Any cheaters and abusers shall be flagged and be given corresponding repercussions.

9. Trading Hours: Weekdays from 9:30AM – 12:00PM and from 1:30PM-3:30PM (Same trading hours with the real PH Market. Meaning, you can’t trade during off hours and on weekends.)

Let’s keep it fun and fair for everyone, please do not flood the system with many entries.
Let’s be honest, so we can have a real gauge of how we fare in the competition!


To register, you must already have an Investagrams account. If you don’t have one yet you can sign up here.

Once you are logged in, you may now proceed to our competition lobby under this link:

You can input the Organization you want to represent (Optional). Then click the JOIN button!

You may join until Monday —  August 20, 8:45 AM. Everyone will be accepted in the trading lobby, by August 20, so no need to worry.
We will send you a notification once you are accepted in the trading lobby and once the competition is about to begin.

Don’t forget to log-in your accounts once the trading starts!

In Investagrams Trading League, you get a chance to learn, have fun and compete all at the same time! You also get to win awesome PRIZES to boost your stock market journey!

So what are you waiting for?

Join the Investagrams Trading League now!


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By Investa

Investagrams has helped thousands of Filipinos all over the world on their stock market journey. Now, we're aiming to help thousands more! Follow us on InvestaDaily for investing tips and stock market advice to help you reach your first million.

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