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Pawer! The Best Investment of All Time

Maybe you are one the beginners who wants to know the best investment to make. Will I be choosing between insurances? Real estates? Stocks or mutual funds? Or should I just hire a private fund manager for my own investment? It’s up to you on what to invest.

But the best among all is investing in yourself! Investing in yourself makes a great difference before even deciding to invest on stocks, mutual funds, insurances, or real estates! Starting early in investing in yourself can give a great impact on your finances. Why is that? Because you can create a healthy and positive learning environment for you to grow!

Investing in yourself is not all about money but increasing your financial education as well. Even before pandemic, there are lots and countless of instruments that can be used for learning. Here are 5 tips on how you can create a better investment for yourself!

Tip #1: Learn from investing and financial lessons from books and eBooks!

The most common way to learn is to read! Reading dismisses a new and fresh perception. It’s not just a sole requirement in your college classes, but it will also help you learn great, substantial and significant concepts. Both books and eBooks are a springboard for learning. Here are some books you can check!

  • A beginner’s guide to the stock market by Matthew Kratter
  • Investing All-in-One for Dummies by Eric Tyson et al.
  • One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch
  • The Genius Habit by Laura Garnett
  • The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

Tip #2: Take online courses and write down your notes!

Yes, that’s right! Take online courses and get some supplementary notes that will help you learn! There are some that offers free online courses with free certificates. You can read a wide array of book selection, from science help books to finance. Here are some sites that you can check and start enrolling for free sessions!

  • Alison
  • Asian Development Banks
  • Accenture
  • Google Analytics

Tip #3: Virtual Trading

One of the fun ways to learn is through games! And that’s right you can learn from virtual trading without actually using a real money. Virtual trading is more than just a game. It serves as a learning platform for you to apply and experience a simulation with the market. You can also check our very own platform for this! You can try and have a solo play or even challenge your friends or another peer from a community!

Tip #4: Attend webinars, events, forums, live discussion, and symposiums!

Get to be engaged in a community and attend webinars and other events of the like! Some offers a free session and you may want to take advantage of that! You can also check on our very own live discussions and our online talks! Attending events like this would also help you interact with the community. You can also ask questions and have them answered. It’s a two-way learning!

Make the best investment of your life by investing in yourself. Join the InvestaFest2021 and be on your road to a better you. Click the photo to JOIN FOR FREE.

Tip #5: Watch some videos & motivational speeches about the stock market!

YouTube is one of the biggest platforms in social media. The great thing about this is you can learn from influencers, professors, and experts absolutely free! All you need is a device to watch. At the same time, you can learn from our site and check on the lessons and videos! 

Teach yourself to invest and have a fun financial journey ahead! 

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By Investa

Investagrams has helped thousands of Filipinos all over the world on their stock market journey. Now, we're aiming to help thousands more! Follow us on InvestaDaily for investing tips and stock market advice to help you reach your first million.

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