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₱{{(item.CheckoutItemDetails.IsAllowToChangeQuantity) ? item.Amount : item.Total | number:2}}
-₱{{OrderDetails.Discount | number:2}}
Total Amount
₱{{OrderDetails.Total | number:2}}
Total Amount
₱{{OrderDetails.Total | number:2}}
Enter the billing details here or login.
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Last Name is required.
Email is required.
Mobile Number is required.
Enter the names of the attendees as stated on their valid ID.
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Username is required.
Make sure all the details are correct and true. You can’t change the details after your purchase.
This event is ticketless.
if you want to purchase for another user, please proceed to gift page.
Secured Payment
Disclaimer: Your security is important to us. We do not store your credit or debit card information or other sensitive data on our servers. Investagrams uses the services of a secure payment gateway to provide safe and reliable payment procedures.
By clicking 'PROCEED TO PAYMENT' you agree that Investagrams will automatically charge your enrolled card at 2:00 am a day before your every billing period until you cancel your subscription.
By purchasing, you agree to our Non-Refundable and Payment Policy.
You have insufficient wallet balance. Please Top-up or select a different payment option.
By availing, you agree to our Non-Refundable and Payment Policy.
You have insufficient wallet balance. Please Top-up or select a different payment option.
By availing, you agree to our Non-Refundable and Payment Policy.
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